GLOBAL insights corner

providing up-to-date Insights, data & perspectives on the world’s greatest cultural challenges






A Personal Perspective: “The Tourist” vs “The Traveler”

I often find myself in discussion with people about their reason for travel.  

Is it to engage in cultural exchange or to treat yourself to some relaxation abroad? Is it to eat all of the foreign cuisines you can or be pampered in an all-inclusive resort? Or, is it a mix of it all?

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Creating Mutual Understanding By Eliminating Communications Silos

Discussions about race in America are at an all-time high. If you look on television or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed there is a continued conversation on race relations in this country. Thousands of opinion pieces have come out in the wake of the most recent Presidential election and hundreds of television specials are dedicated to the subject of race in America and abroad.

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A Cultural Perspective on the Natural Hair Movement Around the World

Not all hair is created equal.

Hair in the black community has always been a controversial topic. Sadly, black women especially, know that the hair on their head is much more than, “just hair” and can be the target of oppression at work, school and many other places. In September 2016, Pretoria High School for Girls in South Africa was in the news because a group of students protested against the school’s hair policy. The school policy called for, “neat” hairstyles and forbid, “eccentric” hairstyles which equated to the black girl's natural hairstyles in the school.

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Creating Connections by Making Space for Diverse Perspectives

Confession: I don't always have the popular opinion. As an educated African American woman, it is often expected that I will blindly fall into line with the perspectives of the communities that I belong to. That's not the case. Recently, I was told that I am a "contrarian leader" and after this last year, I have to say that I agree. I am often the dissenting opinion, but there is a good reason. I promise.

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